The Intro: So after a prolonged absence, I logged back in this morning and my stats tell me people are still somehow finding my blog and reading it. Thank you to everyone who's stumbled across this page and actually stayed to read something.
The backstory: Here's the small recap with some slightly emotional sentences in it (feel free to skip if you just want to know what's coming up): The last two years have been something of a whirlwind for me, and I feel like I haven't had chance to take a step back and sort out the background stuff that piles up while you're dealing with day to day stuff. There's been cancer in my family (thankfully everything has been treated and the person affected is back to full health, though thoughts to anyone reading this who is or has gone through something similar) and a lot of fundraising last year for Girlguiding. It's an organisation that provides great opportunity, and I took stock of the fact that not every country's young women have a Guiding organisation to provide them with opportunities.
The plan: I can't promise a lot of posts, however there ae many things (book, board/card game and TV/film-related) that are bouncing round my head, and will end up being written down. The next 6 months are still going to be pretty real-life heavy, but hopefully I will find more of a balance to write for myself and explore the blogosphere rather than feeling like I should be completing a task elsewhere rather than be on blogger.
I'm looking forward to rediscovering the other blogs out there. If you have a blog, comment with the link, and when I come back on here, I'll pop over and have a read.
Thanks for reading,