Tuesday 28 August 2012

Travelling and birthday books

I thought I'd share my essential travel reads, which couldn't be a kindle because I was camping plus I don't own one yet.

I love travel guides, they make me look forward to the trip even more. I chose the Thomas Cook edition mainly on size, the directions to attractions weren't great but it had lots of useful information in there.

I'm a little nervous when a plane is landing. My first ever flight was smooth and without turbulence, so I had a bit of a fright on the next flight when we landed with a bump. So now I use Sudoku to distract myself when the plane is descending, and I don't look at the ground coming closer either. It's getting a little better though.

Finally, a selection of Morse stories. I'm getting quite interested in crime-solving fiction, and short stories about Inspecctor Morse was a great book to dip into while I was away.

It was my birthday last month as well, and I received two books, Star Trek Voyager Comic book, and the complete Hans Christian Anderson collection.

Hope you're all having better weather than Wales. While I might be warm and I would love to be out reading in the garden, it regularly decides to rain while still being sunny.

I shall try and post again soon.

Tuesday 21 August 2012

A quick hello...

This is just a quick hello; after a trip to Finland and a friend's wedding, I hope to keep to a more regular posting patterns.

I have a few ideas for posts lined up, and I shall post one later today (as it is now way past midnight).