Sunday 6 January 2013

Sophistique Noir's January Theme: New Year's Eve

Happy New Year to everyone, and I hope you've had a good festive season.

Over the last year, I have discovered alternative fashion (I wore this skirt over Christmas), expanded my musical choices (Delain) and after finishing my life as a student in July, seriously gotten back into the habit of reading. I also finally managed to get a full-time paid job.

So, of course, my new year's resolution is book-related. I am going to, gradually, let my love of fantasy and sci-fi books, and music choices influence the rest of my life. It is time my clothes and possessions match my interests.

Unfortunately as I have no magic nor a dragon of my own, this will be limited to clothing, accessories and bedroom decoration.

My first purchase to this end is this lovely bag which looks like a book from Restyle (I purchased it from Kate's Clothing).

On Restyle, it states that it has reinforced sides which should make it a good work bag, and I love the design on the front. I will post a review when it arrives.


  1. Oh, I love that bag from Restyle too! They have such amazing accessories.
    Like you, I had to quit reading for a while because I was graduating last year, so reading more is also one of my resolution for 2013 :) I've started with the Lord of the Rings :D!
    I love the skirt you wore on Christmas, Spin Doctor makes wonderful skirts; actually I have one that's quite similar to yours (it's the Joanna Skirt; it's almost identical, except it has a paisley pattern and a tulle underneath), and it's one of the best skirts I've ever bought :)

    1. I like resolutions that involve reading :) I always found while I was studying that reading felt like I was avoiding work, and it's nice to switch off at the weekend now. Have fun reading Lord of the Rings.
      I think Spin Doctor is turning into one of my favourite brands, the skirt is one of my favourites. The paisley pattern on your shirt sounds lovely.

  2. That is a totally awesome bag. I like the goals you've set for yourself in the coming year - I know you will find this journey toward your true self very rewarding.

    (Sorry for my belated comments - holidays followed by illness followed by house guests really wiped me out for a while! I do appreciate your post for the NYE theme!!)

    1. I've wanted a bag that looks like a book for a while, I'm really pleased with it.

      Thank you, I really like my goals, my room should reflect me a lot more in the coming months. It's going to be a fun challenge doing it on a budget as well.

      I hope you're feeling better now. Thank you for doing your monthly theme post :)

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